miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007

Judith Knaus

This is me

This is my e-mail address: yuknaus@hotmail.com
T.E : 54- 3734 470205

My name is Maria Judith Knaus, I´m 24 years old. I was born in a little town in the state of Chaco called Machagai. I´ve lived there since I was a child, then I went to University to Corrientes city and now I´m living there again. I´m a teacher and I work in state as well as in private schools.I´m studying to be a translator and I do some research in the field of language. I have a big and beautiful family. My father Omar and my three brothers: David, Samuel and Marcos. I have grandmothers two nieces and lots of cousins.
In my free time I like going to the gym, walking, reading, swimming, dancing and I also like to spend my time with children or doing social activities. I enjoy cultural activities too: visiting museums, watching plays, going to art expositions among others. I collect stamps from all over the world since I was 10!
I´m very excited about this journey and I think it´s a unique experince not only for improving my English but also for my cultural and vocational enritchment. I´m very thankfull for this wonderful opportunity that district 5110 offers us.
I´d like to visit historical places, visit different tourist atractions, go sightseeing, go rafting, watch a typical American baseball match if it is possible. I enjoy outdoor activities and going shopping too. I´m very concerned with ecology, in fact, I´ve been a member of Greenpeace for many years. So, I´d like to know how you manage with pollution and rubbish.
As regards the vocational part, I´d like to participate in English or Spanish clasess. If it is possible I´d like to be in charge of some activities or to deliver a whole class! I´d like to visit schools and Universities too. I prefer working with children but I also like working with teens or adults.
These are my interests but the schedule you plan for me will be all right. I don´t suffer from any allergies, I don´t need special hosting requirements. As regards food, I´d like to try typical dishes. I prefer low-fat foods and the only thing that I don´t eat is fish.

This is part of my family. My father and my brothers

Personalmente me inclino por todo lo que sea cultural, me gusta mucho la literatura y el arte, no soy muy aficionada a los deportes ( lo unico que alguna vez practiqué es natación, me encantaría poder bucear en el mar! hice un curso de buceo hace muuucho tiempo) pero me gustaria ir a ver algún partido de baseball o basket, por supuesto que me gustan los shoppings (como a toda mujer! creo que Sole va a estar de acuerdo conmigo!) , cines, lugares turisticos, teatros, me gustan mucho las actividaes al aire libre. También sería lindo poder participar de alguna actividad a beneficio, tipo maratones, bicliqueteadas o venta de algo. Otra cosa que me gustaria es interiorizarme en todo lo que sea contaminación, reciclado etc. (soy miembro de Greenpeace) En cuanto a mi profesion me gustaria conocer los colegios de todo los niveles y tambien las universidades, aprender su modalidad de estudio para las lenguas extranjeras. Me encantaria poder observar, colaborar, preparar actividades o dar una clase de español o ingles en cualquier nivel ( prefiero el nivel inicial o primario, los niños son mi pasion! para la enseñanza! )

This is my family too. My brother, his girlfriend and his daughter, my boyfriend, my niece and my aunt.

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